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Kermitment - A Muppets Podcast

Oct 17, 2022

The Muppet Show's corpse wasn't even cold yet when two post-mortems  (that were actually sort of one post-mortem spread across two mediums) with the same title were released into the world. Take a look behind the scenes and hear Jim do what Jim does best: go on and on about minute technical details! Also hear Frank do...

Oct 11, 2022

"It's time to stop the music, it's time to dim the lights, it's time to lower the curtain on the Muppet Show tonight," imagine that, sung very slowly and mournfully by an adult contemporary artist. Pretty sad, huh? Well that is basically the tone of this very special episode of Kermitment, as we talk about the...

Oct 4, 2022

That old Muppet Show sun is getting low in the sky, but before we check out the last two episodes of the show (at least in the airing order we're following), we're taking a detour to the actual last thing filmed on the original Muppet Show set: an hour-ish long special ode to the glitz and glitter of Hollywood that's...