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Kermitment - A Muppets Podcast

Jan 31, 2023

Sam and Matt sit down with Craig Shemin, president of the Jim Henson Legacy, author of Sam and Friends: The Story of Jim Henson's First Television Show, and former Jim Henson Company writer (just to name a few of his credits), to discuss... well, all of that stuff an more! A very special episode indeed!

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Jan 24, 2023

We're still hanging out down in Fraggle Rock, and madness has begun to creep in already. Which Fraggle is Ross from Friends? Are the Fraggles the remenants of a war-like race that previously attacked the surface world? Find out the answers to all this and more! 

Kermitment has a Patreon! Running a podcast is...

Jan 18, 2023

Heyyy it's more Fraggle Rock! And it's still good! My #1 concern right now is that I have to come up with like dozens of Fraggle Rock episode descriptions and I'm already very out of things to say... oh well! 

Kermitment has a Patreon! Running a podcast is deceptively expensive work, so by becoming our Patron, you help...

Jan 10, 2023

Kermitment boldly enters a new era. An era of Doozers. An era of Gorgs. An era... of Fraggles! Join the Boys as they take their first (of MANY) trips down to Fraggle Rock!  

Kermitment has a Patreon! Running a podcast is deceptively expensive work, so by becoming our Patron, you help us cover those costs and allow us to...